25% off : Bible Study Journal : Vintage : Complete Bible Reading Chart : Cataloged Notes and Thoughts
I have wanted one of these Bible reading journals for years. About 13 years ago I was with an older sister who pulled out of the back of her large reference Bible a reading schedule. It was filled with little pencil marks that indicated how much of the Bible she had covered. I was so encouraged, but even more so when she said this was her 3rd schedule that she was working to complete. I went home right away and printed my own and I’ll never forget completing my last few books on the page.
This journal was designed to help gather the context of the book before reading, check off chapters as you work towards completing the Bible, help record thoughts about what you learn about Jehovah, and come to the main thought of what each book teaches. It's a great place to record Bible Highlight comments to use for years to come!
Every Bible Book Contains:
-Highlights from the book as a whole, and for details about the book to wrap your mind around the context before starting
-Charts throughout to mark off completed chapters
-Places to record what you learned about Jehovah and how to imitate him
-Pages to catalog thoughts about particular verses that stood out to you
-Tabs for easy book location
-Hard Cover
-9"x7.5" in size
-365 pages
These books have been super special, they have really high-quality features so that they will be easy to use and last a long time.
Hope you enjoy it for years to come!